Contributing Editors:

Michael Jensen is a co-founder of DoomerHumor, and is cofounder and coeditor of ApocaDocs, and has been examining our ongoing environmental collapse for nearly four years on a daily basis, after a lifetime of shaking his head at the folly of continuous growth in a limited world. He has been a digital professional since the days of 8″ floppy disks and CP/M. He recently moved to a small farm, and so is trying to learn yet another new operating system.

Jim Poyser is a co-founder of DoomerHumor, and is cofounder and coeditor of ApocaDocs. He is the author of all DoomerHaikumor, as well as other DHs. He is managing editor of a free weekly newspaper in a large Midwestern city. He is a playwright, author, and bikes to and from work through snow, and rain, and sleet, and dark of night.


Paul Smedberg is a fleet-fingered but sedentary desk-dweller somewhere in the wilds of demi-rural Flyover. He looks forward to the day when robot cars eliminate parking lots. He has outlived many of his pets, and creates the blog which has nothing to do with the Crimean War.

Want to participate?
DoomerHumor went live in early September, 2011. We are currently in discussions with friends and like-minded humorists to participate in — which we like to think of as becoming “The Utne Reader meets The Onion meets Huffington Post,” for the growing field of doomer humor.

If you’re interested in becoming a contributor, here’s the deal:

The focus is on short visual, audio, and video presentations; this is not the place for an essay. We very seriously insist on humor (or at least, nonstandard interestingness) as the goal. Poems will be considered, but what our audience expects is the pithy and utterly accurate, in a way that makes us laugh.

As a creator, here are the DoomerHumor groundrules:

  • you must commit to produce (or repurpose) eight editorially accepted bits of visual, auditory, or textual humor, over an eight-week span.
  • there will be no payment for inclusion in the site, but we will promote you and your own site(s), blogs, etc.
  • you own the content, and can do whatever you want to with it; by the same token,’s editors are also given the rights to do with it what we like, provided we share any item-specific profits equally with you.
  • we will not have advertising on the site, so there will be no advertising pennies to wrangle about, regarding intellectual property
  • if there are salable products produced from (refrigerator magnets, books, calendars, greeting cards), then profits will be divided equally between creator and publisher/producer. If the product is direct (say, a single refrigerator magnet), then it’s a direct 50/50 split; however, if your creation is only 1 magnet in a group of 10 that’s sold as a doomerhumor collection, then you would receive 1/10 of half of each sale’s profits.
  • you’ll have to trust us to do right by you, because unless by some twist of fate we become famous, or one of the DHs goes viral, then the market for such products is, alas, slim. But we want to have enough of an agreement in place that each party is protected, and balanced: 50/50. We doubt, however, we’ll ever make up even the cost of the server/cloud space.

If you’re still interested, send a note to michael**jon**jensen*!*GEE**mail — but, of course, clean it up that address first (the name is alloneword).

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